Are the Drinks You’re Giving Your Child Causing Cavities?  

July 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlindasteele @ 9:38 pm
fizzy drink

Is your child a fan of juices or other drinks that are marketed toward young ones? A recent study revealed that 62% of beverages marketed to children are loaded with added sugars. Despite their seemingly healthy packaging, these drinks can significantly raise the risk of cavities. Encouraging a balanced diet and teaching good oral hygiene can help your child avoid cavities altogether.


Prepping Small Smiles: 3 Tips for Healthy Teeth This School Year

July 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlindasteele @ 3:58 pm
5 diverse children brushing their teeth in a row in front of white background

July has arrived, marking the midway point of summer break.  If you’re like many other parents at this time, you’re busy preparing for the upcoming school year. Whether you’re shopping for supplies or registering your child for after-school activities, there’s plenty to do.

However, you don’t want to forget about your little one’s dental condition in the back-to-school rush. Many schools require updated medical and dental records before beginning a new semester. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for kids to struggle with taking care of their teeth and gums, which can lead to cavities and gum disease. To prevent problems, keep reading to learn 3 tips that can help your child build and maintain a happy, healthy smile this year!
